Terminaux de Collaboration Webex

Solutions intelligentes de vidéoconférence

Les solutions Cisco Webex pour salles de réunion sont totalement intégrées dans la plate-forme Webex. Ces systèmes intelligents de collaboration vidéo donnent vie à vos salles de réunion. La large gamme de terminaux Cisco couvrira l'ensemble de vos besoin pour l'équipement de vos espaces de réunion.

Terminaux adaptés aux besoins des PMEs

L'avènement des petits espaces de réunion

Une enquête internationale menée auprès de plus de 1 000 utilisateurs, professionnels de l'IT et responsables de sites montre que la demande pour de plus petits espaces de réunion augmente.

Cisco Room Series devices register with the Webex call control platform using the standard SIP protocol. The Webex Control Hub management tool allows you to create an activation code for each terminal. During the terminal installation step, this code must be entered to establish a secure channel with the Webex platform and to identify itself on the client organization. Device authentication authorizes the sending of OAuth tokens and certificates from Webex to establish the connection between the device and platform services.

Control Hub

Control Hub provides the ability to go deeper into each workspace to find out what is happening in real time, including the ability to set capacity limits to provide alerts when the maximum number of people in the room is exceeded. You can find information on scheduled meetings, including who has booked which meeting room, and for how long. For privacy reasons, the meeting title is obscured. These data points breakdown into two categories:

·   Utilization Metrics: this captures if a device is active or inactive, whether the room is in use or not and the number of people sitting in front of it.

·   Environmental Metrics: this captures environmental data such as the sound level, ambient noise, temperature and humidity.

Please note that the data captured varies according to the hardware used.

Catalogue des terminaux Webex

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